We celebrate Mass every Sunday at 9:45am and we extend a warm welcome to anyone wishing to join us. Our services are also livestreamed on Facebook and you can watch them on catch up on our Vimeo page: Church of the Good Shepherd ( For upcoming special services, please click on the 'Services' tab. Please click on the 'Resources' tab for materials which can be used at home. ![]() SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY AND MISSION
You can make a donation to support our work using the QR code. For other ways to give, please see the 'Donate' tab WE ARE A PARISH AFFLIATED TO THE SOCIETY
On the 9 August 2015, after the due period of public notice, the PCC passed the following Resolution unanimously: ‘This PCC requests, on the grounds of theological conviction, that arrangements be made for it in accordance with the House of Bishops Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests’ We are currently receiving pastoral care from the Bishop of Oswestry. |
![]() SAFEGUARDING IS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY Safeguarding refers to the range of plans and activities that are put in place to protect children and adults who may be vulnerable to abuse and neglect from being exploited or harmed. Safeguarding in the church community – making our churches safe for children, young people and vulnerable adults – is everyone’s responsibility. Our Safeguarding Officer is Barbara Dale. Barbara can be contacted at [email protected] or on 07966 391103. For further information on safeguarding policies in the Diocese of Bath and Wells, please refer to: |